⚙️ Tools (56)

Unleash the full potential of Notion with our handpicked selection of tools. Elevate your productivity, streamline workflows, and embrace a new era of enhanced functionality tailored for your Notion experience.


Write, schedule and publish your LinkedIn posts from Notion – perfect for entrepreneurs, ghostwriters and content creators


Control access to your Notion pages with a custom domain + password protection, email sign up, paywall, and more.


Build beautifully interactive charts and calculators in GRID, then paste them into your Notion workspace.


Create interactive notion charts from Notion tables and emmbed them in one click on a notion page.

Print screen of Save to Notion extension - Easily clip and save web content to your Notion workspace

Save to Notion

Discover Save to Notion, your go-to browser extension for seamless bookmarking and content clipping directly into your Notion workspace.

Notion Maps

Create a map using Notion as your database, no code required; Compatible with Google Maps and Mapbox.


"Notion is one of the most flexible, powerful productivity platforms around but it doesn’t support Apple’s automation app, Shortcuts. Nautomate fills that gap, letting you add data to your Notion databases or create rich pages automatically without the need for expensive tools like Zapier. Unleash your creativity and create powerful new automated workflows!"

Pro Backup

Pro Backup proactively prevents you from losing mission-critical data and metadata with automated backups and rapid, stress-free recovery.


Free Website for Notion to Anki Conversion. 2anki.net is a free website for converting Notion toggle lists to Anki flashcards. It's simple, fast and easy to use. Create better Anki flashcards today!


Supercharge your Notion workspace: create forms that save to tables, build custom sites with pages, and send emails to contacts in a database. Free to use forever.


"Convert Any Text into Presentation Slides, Magically. Wunderpresentation automatically converts your text into beautiful and interactive presentation slides. No longer spend hours of formatting, layouting, designing!"


It takes minutes to add a chatbot in Notion pages. With our no-code chatbot builder, it's easy to create chatbots for CS, HR or Product teams.


Slashy is an extension that lets you create custom commands for Notion. Make camera and audio recordings, draw, create reusable blocks, and more without leaving Notion.